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Web analytics & Insights


Web analytics is the measurement and analysis of data to inform an understanding of user behavior across web pages.


Analytics platforms measure activity and behavior on a website, for example: how many users visit, how long they stay, how many pages they visit, which pages they visit, and whether they arrive by following a link or not.


Businesses use web analytics platforms to measure and benchmark site performance and to look at key performance indicators that drive their business, such as purchase conversion rate , User interaction rate etc .. .


Web analytic and insights are a NEED for any brands because ..


Know your visitors : You can identify the geographical information of your website visitors using their IP address. By discovering where your visitors are located, you can target the appropriate areas. GatorLeads can help you identify who the company is and where they are based.


Track the traffic : This will help determine where it is best to invest your marketing time and budget. We can provide you with detailed insights and then you can create targeted campaigns around this information. This can be done with two methods:


Gauge the success : As your marketing activities take off you will start to drive more traffic back to your website, causing your match rate to rise. When you have more companies recognised, more leads can be tracked in your analytics system, which in turn will provide more named leads and create more sales opportunities.


Customers wants : You marketers have a tough job. You’re expected to know exactly what your website visitors want without ever having met them. With only 3% getting in contact with you, it doesn’t seem like most marketers are having much success either. So we’ve discovered the 3 things website users are screaming out for.


Avoid losing customers : A bounce is when a customer visits one page and then leaves without taking any further action or viewing any other pages. This can be clearly seen and broken down by times of day so that you can see which pages they viewed and the time that they were there. Use this tool to improve your website user journey and help leads move further through their buying journey before getting in touch with them.


Optimise your website : See which device and which browser is being used to view your site. This feeds back vital information that can be considered when redesigning your website.


So, you are confident you have driven the right traffic to your website using the right channels and you have kept a close eye on the founding source of all your website leads throughout the month. Now its time to ensure your paid for leads are followed up effectively.


Do you feel the need of Web analytics anf insights for your brand , ?

Contact US and lets get it done . 

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