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Search Engine Marketing


SEM, or search engine marketing, is using paid advertising to ensure that your business's products or services are visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). When a user types in a certain keyword, SEM enables your business to appear as a result for that search query.


68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. 


63% of all shopping begins online, even if the purchase itself happens in a store


The top page listed in a Google search has an average click-through rate of 32%


75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines. 


And there are many more stats to prove why your brand needs to be on the 1st page of the search results . 


& Here are benefits of Search Engine marketing.


Fast visibility : Creating visibility through organic SEO takes time and energy. Search engine marketing on the other hand provides almost instantaneous results. Your ad is placed in front of your potential customer as soon as they search for you.


Target based on location : Another big plus associated with SEM is that you can set up your ads to only target people near the vicinity of your business. This helps you filter out searchers who are too far from your location.


Traffic to your website : The ads for your website are often the first thing that users see when they search for relevant interests. If your ad copy is effective, then this can drive traffic to your website.


Measure your performance : Measuring the effectiveness of ad campaigns in real life is often a difficult and costly experience. They require things like surveys, focus groups, and similar metrics. Luckily SEM platforms like Google Ads give you instant access to information like top-performing keywords, impressions, and click-through rates.


And much more .. !! 


Contact us  now & let's work on this together .  

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