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Copy is the way you communicate value to potential customers.


Copywriting is the art and science of writing copy *(words used on web pages, ads, promotional materials, etc.)* that sells your product or service and convinces prospective customers to take action.


Each and every business needs a good copywriter to write copy ranging from Ads , Emails , Brochures , Landing pages and everything that the consumer reads . 


Good copy also helps in 

Building brand image: Brand image refers to how a company wants to portray itself to its audience. It affects the customer’s perception of your brand and reflects on their buying habits. Good copywriters are able to understand the image that you want to put forward and work to create that image through their content


Creating Value driven content : Every sentence on your website has to serve a purpose in order to get readers hooked – you only get one chance to create the right impression and you have to be purposeful at what you write. Readers look for quality information and insights. A good copywriter understands all this and creates awesome copy that provides the right information along with the benefits of your service/product.


Unique insights to the audience's frame of mind : Copywriting is about communicating with the company’s audience. As such, copy that basically follows a mundane format combined with average content is clearly not the way to go. Many copywriters make the mistake of simply stating facts about the company and products. This is ineffective as most audiences expect personalized content.


Copywriting is not about the company, it’s about the consumer’s view of the company. It gives consumers a peek into a brand and lets businesses show them why they’re worth the consumer’s time.

And we at ebugMEDIA have a fleet of experienced copywriters who would sell through their words and if u are looking for a great copy to be written for your business , please do contact us .

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