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Affiliate Marketing
     & Retargeting 


Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. The affiliate simply searches for a product they enjoy, then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make. The sales are tracked via affiliate links from one website to another.


Lets go through the need of affiliate marketing for your brand :


Pick your partners : As a retailer, you can pick who you choose to work with. Affiliates apply to come onboard your affiliate program, providing you with the opportunity to assess their suitability and hand pick those who can be the best ambassadors for your brand and products.


Low risk & High returns : Paying for performance rather than for clicks ensures affiliate markeitng is a low risk form of marketing. You won’t be using your marketing budget to create leads that need nurturing. Instead, you will create direct customers who you can then build relationships with and upsell to, at the right time in the buyer’s cycle.


Targeted audience : All traffic is not created equal. If you sell spa products, for example, you don’t want to waste your advertising budget attracting people who are looking for car products. By working with affiliates who understand your industry and are already active in it, you will receive targeted sales from a warmed up audience.


Brand awareness : Consumers like to buy from retailers they are familiar with, and will often spend more with a merchant they trust than go for a cheaper deal with an unknown label. Affiliate marketing allows small and large companies to grow their brand awareness by increasing exposure to new audiences who may not have previously heard of them.


Increase SEO : SEO continues to be a subject close to most online retailers’ hearts. Affiliate marketing can go a long way to aiding your SEO, through numerous backlinks to your site via your affiliate blogs, social pages and websites.


Valuable partnerships : When you work with affiliates, you are broadening your connections. This allows you to reach out to industry leaders and build relationships with influencers. If you are prepared to give them some time to build trust, they will repay it tenfold by giving exposure to your products and brand.


What is retargeting ?


Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a form of online advertising that can help you keep your brand in front of bounced traffic after they leave your website. For most websites, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit. 


Retargeting is a tool designed to help companies reach the 98% of users who don’t convert right away.


Retargeting is meant to be a long-term marketing strategy for businesses that already have a following. If your website gets at least 100 monthly visitors, Google remarketing ads are definitely for you.


Hera are the other Benefits of retargeting :


Promoting bestsellers : Retargeting ads are a simple, effective way to showcase your top-selling products. And promoting items your current customers love can even help convert visitors into customers and increase ROI for your ads.


Introducing new collections : People who are interested in your brand and visit your site are a great audience to target when you’re launching a new product collection. Your retargeting ads will catch their eye wherever they go online, creating a clear path back to your store so they can check out what’s new. This can be done with display campaigns using Google AdWords or through a Facebook retargeting campaign.


Moving inventory : As an online seller, you’ve probably dealt with slow-moving inventory at one time or another. Retargeting ads are a low-budget, low-effort way to showcase surplus products from your store to potential customers.


Building brand awareness : Most people need to feel they know you before they decide to buy your product or service, and retargeting ads keep your brand top of mind for potential customers who aren’t ready to purchase when they first visit your site.


Contact us now and lets start working on your brands digital goals together . 

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